Saturday, September 19, 2009

SIte down

The site is down.

More information as it becomes available.

Edit Tuesday: Have contacted Larry and he has contacted the host over the weekend. It's an issue with the host and them shutting down the PHP. It's being worked through but no estimate yet on how long it will take.


Spokavriel said...

Its been more than a week since this message was posted. Have there been any updates?

Have the databases been archived in case of the last resort option of having to seek a new Hosting company?

Bliss said...

Dang, I check on the site for the first time in a couple months and it's down. Bad luck >_<

Spokavriel said...

I was guessing this was about to happen. You showed up near this time of year a few times already Bliss. There were even allot of fun things going on and even waiting for your return in Spamville. But the Hosting company had to do or not do something causing a software failure.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have PCHeintz's update list for the last two weeks?

Bliss said...

@ Blossom-chan: This have anything to do with that site problem earlier this year?

Spokavriel said...

It seems similar but I don't think so. I mean when the Host pulled the plug even Sunny's fics were unavailable. Right now it looks like PHP is turned off. So no site/forum information can be accessed with it all sitting back waiting in databases for PHP software.

CRBWildcat said...

Eeesh. Fukufics doesn't go down very often, but when it does, it goes down hard, doesn't it? ()^_^

Spokavriel said...

Don't forget there's still the IRC chat for anyone who wants closer to real time conversation.

I am finding it odd that no one responded until after I did though...

CRBWildcat said...

Well, I didn't really have anything to say at the time when the notice was posted, so... yeah.

Konoko said...

Nor did I, really. Hopefully the issue can be fixed soon. XD

Bliss said...

@Blossom-chan: It's purely coincidental I assure you. Honest.

@Callista-chan: Maybe it's just me, but it seems this year has been a bit more problematic than last.

@Konoko-chan: Agreed. ^_^

Spokavriel (Daniel Thomas Stack) said...

Oh yeah it's allot more problematic.

Wait when the site was down before the upgrade in software didn't they also lock out only the PHP software then too because it was monopolizing the server processing capabilities too much?

Maybe this can all be resolved and the site can come back where it is but I just don't know enough of the facts to know if that would be even possible to be imagined as a good thing or not.

CRBWildcat said...

Yes indeedy, to both comments.

Yes, I'm hoping the problem is resolved shortly; the sooner I can save my progress reports to disk, the better.

And yeah, I can't remember it being as bad last year. If something did happen, I probably just blocked it from my memory or something.

Anonymous said...

I was kinda wondering could a link to the chat room be added to the Quick Links for times when situations like this occur?

It would also be useful for people who only come to this page to see the fic list to have a path to access that other interactive area.

Bliss said...

@Blossom-chan: I thought the chatroom link was already in the banner? that I've read the banner, I just noticed it says "digression" instead of "discretion". What a witty wordplay~ ^_^

Anonymous said...

Doh. I hadn't read that bit in so long I didn't know it was sitting in there.

This is what I get for being inattentive I guess :(

CRBWildcat said...

Hmm... viewer direction? Viewer deflection?

...Never mind. We've digressed enough, I think.

Anonymous said...

But what about indirect digressions?

CRBWildcat said...

No, that's deflecting it in a different direction.

Spokavriel (Daniel Thomas Stack) said...

Well thats one way to be evasive.

Rei-chan said...

Ahh found it. Hopefully this'll be back up soon enough.

Spokavriel said...

I'm hoping so too but if I had held my breath I would have died a while back.

Bliss said...

@Rei-chan: Yo Rei-chan~! Hmmm it's been a week or so without word, I wonder what's going on...

Lioconvoy said...

I don't do IRC cause I remember it causing problems with my computer, it be nice if you(Spok) visited Gaia.

I miss everyone esle too, but some of you I at least see at MSF.

Here hoping the forum comes back soon.

Spokavriel said...

Having a bit of trouble with Gaia Online but I think it's on my end. All Browsers I point to it (Even recently DLed because the others weren't working for me) have crashed on trying to open gaiaonline's URL.

I'd say more but this is a Blog response for Fukufics being down my other internet woes aren't exactly on topic no matter how much digression is encouraged ;)

Rei-chan said...

Heya Bliss. Been awhile. Hm.. perhaps someone should poke in at the Library and see if they can ask Larry there I suppose.

Bliss said...

@Rei-chan: That's a good idea. Go Blossom-chan~! ^_^

Spokavriel (Daniel Thomas Stack) said...

Bliss-chan whats the rally cry for?

Oh I think I found the problem for GaiaOnline. It seems an entry got added to my hosts file by AVG trying to block out the site.

I guess the illegal ad banners not authorized by them got someone at AVG to consider it a virus site.

Not sure why it would do anything to Hosts though seeing how I have link scanner disabled but the entry was there and the events log claims it was added by AVG... Its confusing.

CRBWildcat said...

Can't really say what's already been said about the situation, so...

"Grumble grumble..."

Rei-chan said...

Odd, I recall Florestica having a message board but I don't seem able to find it now. How odd. I wonder if it also took down theirs too or if I just imagined that there was one.

Spokavriel said...

I remember a mention that one was being added a couple years ago. If PHP is turned off for the server it couldn't avoid shutting down his too. But there should still be a link to it if there is one.

At least CSS isn't disabled otherwise the Lost Library would probably be unreadable.

Comartemis said...

Okay seriously, what the hell is taking the host so long?

Bliss said...

@Art-chan: When in doubt, blame the economy. It sounds like this is a host/server issue... maybe the boards are getting an upgrade or something.

CRBWildcat said...

-_- I am starting to go through some serious symptoms of withdrawl over here... would an upgrade really take them half a month to implement?

Spokavriel said...

Looking back at when we had our previous upgrade I'd have to say no.

But hunting for a decent host that won't screw the site over like this one has been doing in the past couple years could also be considered doing upgrades even if it ended up in us looking at the same software we had before the previous "Upgrade"

Just so long as the site gets back to working and can hopefully be certified to have less bull it's still an Upgrade.

Rei-chan said...

Did you guys know there is a fanfiction wiki? I actually found it by chance. It kind of creeps me out to see that I actually have an entry too.

Spokavriel said...

Did someone start one up on Wikia? It's kinda spooky how they will let people create any Wiki they want and maintain it.